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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: Steve Carpenter <steve@Vinton.COM>
Subject: Re: Separating overlapping points
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
> Howdy, Stuart:
> Y'know, this post inadvertantly points up a generic difficulty with
>LW/LWM, in that many elements are only addressable one at a time for keyboard
>interaction, and it is difficult to see their numerical relationships with
>other, or to cut/paste/edit en masse.
> Whenever I make a suggestion to you and Allen, I >try< to imagine an
>interface structure to address the problem.
> Re: the above, what leaps out is LISTS. When using INFO on points, you
>can only see one at time, and it is editable. A GUI for enhancing control over
>points would be a scrolling list of all >selected< points...